Different machines

Category: Different machines

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Small appliances - 0 / 3 St. Aufputz Steckdose

Type: 3 St. Aufputz Steckdose
Bodywork: 3 St. Aufputz Steckdose
Year of manufacture: 2015

Small appliances - 0 / Schweißschürze/Spaltlederschürze

Type: Schweißschürze/Spaltlederschürze
Bodywork: Schweißschürze/Spaltlederschürze
Year of manufacture: 2015

Small appliances - AC-tiveFinder / Spannungsprüfer

Manufacturer: AC-tiveFinder
Type: Spannungsprüfer
Bodywork: Spannungsprüfer
Year of manufacture: 2015

Small appliances - 0 / Störungssucher Werkzeug

Type: Störungssucher Werkzeug
Bodywork: Störungssucher Werkzeug
Year of manufacture: 2015
Application area: Tester Störungssucher Werkzeug

Small appliances - Heidemann / HX Curve 70822:

Manufacturer: Heidemann
Type: HX Curve 70822:
Bodywork: 2 Stück Funkklingel
Year of manufacture: 2015

Small appliances - (B+G e-tech) / DRT751DE (B+G e-tech)

Manufacturer: (B+G e-tech)
Type: DRT751DE (B+G e-tech)
Bodywork: Drehstromzähler
Year of manufacture: 2015

Small appliances - WH / WH-2000-800

Manufacturer: WH
Type: WH-2000-800
Bodywork: Rangierwagenheber
Year of manufacture: 2015
Application area: Werkstatt

Small appliances - Hesselink / Schlagschrauber

Manufacturer: Hesselink
Type: Schlagschrauber
Bodywork: Schlagschrauber
Year of manufacture: 2015
Application area: Werkstatt

Small appliances - Bahco / Rangierwagenheber

Manufacturer: Bahco
Type: Rangierwagenheber
Bodywork: Rangierwagenheber
Year of manufacture: 2015
Application area: Werkstatt

Different machines - 0 / Bäckereimaschinen

Type: Bäckereimaschinen
Bodywork: Bäckereimaschinen

Different machines - Manson / Netzgeräte

Manufacturer: Manson
Type: Netzgeräte
Bodywork: Netzgeräte

Different machines - ILT – Industrie Luftfiltertechnik GmbH / Modell F1600

Manufacturer: ILT – Industrie Luftfiltertechnik GmbH
Type: Modell F1600
Bodywork: Schweissrauchabsaugegerät
Year of manufacture: 1994
Gross vehicle weight rating: -
Application area: Absaugung von Schweissrauch

Small appliances - Vorel / Series 2700

Manufacturer: Vorel
Type: Series 2700
Bodywork: Ölpumpe
Year of manufacture: 2010
Application area: Ölabsaugung

Different machines - nicht bekannt / Hallentor

Manufacturer: nicht bekannt
Type: Hallentor
Bodywork: Hallentor Rawabi

Different machines - Adam / MC1

Manufacturer: Adam
Type: MC1
Bodywork: Ständerbohrer/ Rawabi
Application area: Werkstatt

Small appliances - Hilti / 0

Manufacturer: Hilti
Bodywork: 2 Stück Bohrhammer / Rawabi

Small appliances - Prostar / WSE850K

Manufacturer: Prostar
Type: WSE850K
Bodywork: Winkelschleifer / Rawabi
Application area: Steinschneiden

Small appliances - Grosse Flex mit Stahlrundbürste / k.A.

Manufacturer: Grosse Flex mit Stahlrundbürste
Bodywork: Flex mit Bürste / Rawabi
Application area: Steinverarbeitung

Different machines - Tracto Technik / Elotrac 14

Manufacturer: Tracto Technik
Type: Elotrac 14
Bodywork: Rammer
Year of manufacture: 1978
Application area: Spundwände rammen

Different machines - STIHL / Trennschleifer

Manufacturer: STIHL
Type: Trennschleifer
Bodywork: Trennschleifer / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: 1998
Application area: Stein und Fliesenarbeit

Different machines - nicht bekannt / Gerüst und Holz

Manufacturer: nicht bekannt
Type: Gerüst und Holz
Bodywork: Baugerüst FED / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: 1994
Application area: Baustellen

Small appliances - Pferdeschlitten / Schlitten

Manufacturer: Pferdeschlitten
Type: Schlitten
Bodywork: Pferdeschlitten
Year of manufacture: 1959

Small appliances - Erfi Rekord / WM 42

Manufacturer: Erfi Rekord
Type: WM 42
Bodywork: Eisensäge FED / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: 1980
Application area: Werkstatt

Different machines - Diverse / Hängegerüst

Manufacturer: Diverse
Type: Hängegerüst
Bodywork: Stahlrohrrahmen / Rawabi

Different machines - AZO / Bauaufzug Europa 600

Manufacturer: AZO
Type: Bauaufzug Europa 600
Bodywork: Bauaufzug FED
Year of manufacture: 1972
Gross vehicle weight rating: 1270

Small appliances - Lissmac / DTS 625

Manufacturer: Lissmac
Type: DTS 625
Bodywork: Ziegelschneidmaschine / Rawabi
Application area: Ziegelschneidmaschine

Small appliances - Einhell / Druckluft Ratschenschrauber

Manufacturer: Einhell
Type: Druckluft Ratschenschrauber
Bodywork: Ratschenschrauber aus R-1679
Year of manufacture: 2001
Application area: Werkstatt

Small appliances - Metabo / HGE 2000/2

Manufacturer: Metabo
Type: HGE 2000/2
Bodywork: Heißluftpistole aus R-1679
Year of manufacture: 2006
Application area: Werkstattbedarf

Small appliances - Einhell / PKS1840/1

Manufacturer: Einhell
Type: PKS1840/1
Bodywork: Kettensäge aus R-1679
Year of manufacture: 2004
Application area: Gartenarbeiten

Small appliances - Fromm/Brüninghaus / Bezett OH3 A330

Manufacturer: Fromm/Brüninghaus
Type: Bezett OH3 A330
Bodywork: Bündelgerät aus R-1679
Year of manufacture: 1996
Application area: Verpackung

Small appliances - 0 / Diverse Stahlregale

Type: Diverse Stahlregale
Bodywork: Stahlregale R-1679

Small appliances - Guenstigerdirekt / 2500 kg

Manufacturer: Guenstigerdirekt
Type: 2500 kg
Bodywork: 2 Stück Hubwagen
Year of manufacture: 2008
Application area: Lagerhaltung

Small appliances - tousek Torantriebe GmbH / PULL XR 15

Manufacturer: tousek Torantriebe GmbH
Type: PULL XR 15
Bodywork: Schiebetorantrieb
Year of manufacture: 2008

Small appliances - Makita / 95522NB

Manufacturer: Makita
Type: 95522NB
Bodywork: Flex
Application area: Steinverarbeitung

Small appliances - Original Flex / Flex BHW 1541

Manufacturer: Original Flex
Type: Flex BHW 1541
Bodywork: weisser Koffer mit kleine Flex
Application area: Steinverarbeitung

Small appliances - 0 / Kompaktklimageräte

Type: Kompaktklimageräte
Bodywork: Klimaanlage

Different machines - Hochregale / Stahlregale

Manufacturer: Hochregale
Type: Stahlregale
Bodywork: Schwerlastregale / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: 1999
Application area: Lager

Small appliances - Wehrmann Augsburg / VXS7000

Manufacturer: Wehrmann Augsburg
Type: VXS7000
Bodywork: 2x Stück Baterieladegerät AL / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: 2006
Application area: Werkstatt-Batarieladegeräte

Small appliances - ELMAG START TRUCK / 1600/3200 Ampere

Type: 1600/3200 Ampere
Bodywork: Startgerät FED
Year of manufacture: 2006
Application area: LKW Startgerät

Small appliances - k.A. / Stuehle

Type: Stuehle
Bodywork: Stühle

Small appliances - Soehnle / S10-2720

Manufacturer: Soehnle
Type: S10-2720
Bodywork: Paletten-Waage FED
Application area: Wiegen von Paletten

Small appliances - k.A. / Marderfalle

Type: Marderfalle
Bodywork: Marder und Mäusefallen

Small appliances - k.A. / Schließanlage

Type: Schließanlage
Bodywork: Schließanlage FED / Rawabi

Small appliances - Keser / Betonbohrhammer Z1C-3L-32T

Manufacturer: Keser
Type: Betonbohrhammer Z1C-3L-32T
Bodywork: Bohrmaschine FED / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: neu

Small appliances - Hilti / TE 72

Manufacturer: Hilti
Type: TE 72
Bodywork: Bohrschlaghammer FED / Rawabi
Application area: Bohren

Different machines - Elektra Beckum / Kreissäge BS 8000 D

Manufacturer: Elektra Beckum
Type: Kreissäge BS 8000 D
Bodywork: Kreissäge FED / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: 1980

Containers - Bürocontainer / ----

Manufacturer: Bürocontainer
Type: ----
Bodywork: Container FED
Year of manufacture: ---

Different machines - Hans Ruf Metallbau / RS 160-EZ

Manufacturer: Hans Ruf Metallbau
Type: RS 160-EZ
Bodywork: Heizungsgebläser FED / Rawabi
Application area: Heizung

Different machines - Rodeo / MD 150-B 686

Manufacturer: Rodeo
Type: MD 150-B 686
Bodywork: Kombischleifmaschine FED / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: neue

Different machines - Flex / SKL 2903 W

Manufacturer: Flex
Type: SKL 2903 W
Bodywork: Säbelsäge FED / Rawabi

Different machines - Keser / Z1C-3L-32T

Manufacturer: Keser
Type: Z1C-3L-32T
Bodywork: Bohrmaschine FED / Rawabi
Year of manufacture: gebraucht
Application area: Bohr- u. Brecharbeiten

Different machines - Bosch / Bohrmaschine

Manufacturer: Bosch
Type: Bohrmaschine
Bodywork: Bohrmaschine FED / Rawabi

Different machines - nicht bekannt / Hallentor

Manufacturer: nicht bekannt
Type: Hallentor
Bodywork: Hallentor / Rawabi

Containers - Jakob Eberhardt GmbH / C

Manufacturer: Jakob Eberhardt GmbH
Type: C
Bodywork: Container FED
Year of manufacture: 1991

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